Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Awesome Awesome Awesome Summer

Hi, everyone! I'm finally back. My summer is awesome! I went to a beach house. It was close to the beach so we went every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The beach house was so big and we all had separate rooms, but I shared a huge room with my sister so we could hang out together. I loved walking in the ocean and adopting a wild pony named Luna. I became a junior ranger, too, and I got a cool badge and everyone clapped for us!

We took one of our dogs to the beach, too! Her name is Wendy, and she is the most awesome dog ever.  She liked meeting other dogs and walking in the sand.

I also switched horse lessons. We're riding at a new barn.

It is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The people and horses there are so nice. I've learned about the differences between English and Western, and I've learned to control my horse better and have more confidence. 

Goodbye for now, fools!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My Awesome Day, Returning to My Blog!

Hi everyone! Nice to come back to blogger. Thanks for reading my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave a comment if you like my blog. Yay, I'm going post all my songs finally. We found a orphan kitten in our bush. There were 3 at first, then we found 1 the next day. PS: The kittens' mom needs to take better care of her kittens! She is so CUTE. I will prove it by picture. Her name is Dusty!

Friday, April 5, 2013

My Favorite Music, Part One

Here are the songs I like the most:

  1. "Want You Back" Cher Lloyd
  2. "I've Just Seen a Face" The Beatles
  3. "Pay Phone" Maroon 5
  4. " A More Perfect Union" Titus Andronicus
  5. "Devious" Gross Ghost
  6. "Last Friday Night" Katy Perry
  7. "San Francisco" Foxygen
  8. "With Your Love" Cher Lloyd
  9. "Night Dogs" Love Language
  10. "Brass Monkey" Beastie Boys 
I hope you like all the songs that I will share with you! First, here's my number one song, "Want You Back."

I'm going to get off here and watch a movie with my family (except my dad, because he's at work.) I hope you find my blog interesting (awesome!)

Hi! I'm Annie. Welcome to my blog. This is going to mostly about music. (I will post some music later.) I like listening to Cher Lloyd, One Direction, Love Language, Foxygen, Titus Andronicus, Ke$ha, and the Beatles. I'll post about horses, American Girl, and Doctor Who, too. Hope you like my blog!